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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Coupon Sources

One question people ask often is, "Where do you get your coupons?"  Besides the newspaper (mostly Sunday inserts) which I buy in multiples, and online sources often cited on this blog, there are lots to be found right in the stores we shop.

For instance, there is a new monthly flyer at Walgreens filled with store coupons which are stackable with MQ's.  Get it in the store right next to the weekly ad display.

Look for the Family Dinner flyer in your local Publix, if it is not in your regular store, check out a nearby location because it's filled with $75 worth of STORE and Manufacturer's coupons.  I picked up six from the store in Heathrow which had a big display near the pharmacy.

In the weeks to come I'll be referring to some of those Q's for match-ups, so grab some while you can.

Also found, lots of tear pad coupons in and around the store.  Here's a photo of the ones I picked up yesterday, still available...


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